Blogger Vs WordPress Comparison In 2023

Blogger Vs WordPress

Blogger Vs WordPress - WEBFETCHER

By the year 2022, there are expected to be 31.7 million bloggers in the US. You might be wondering how you can remain competitive in a more and more crowded market as this number rises.

To start, pick the appropriate platform. You should weigh the benefits of adopting a content management system like WordPress or a publishing platform like Blogger when considering whether to launch a blog.

To help you decide which choice is ideal for your website, let’s look more closely at the following key distinctions.

To help you decide which choice is ideal for your website, let’s look more closely at the following key distinctions.

  • Flexibility
  • Plugins
  • Price


Blogger is a free blog hosting service which is provided by Google. Blogger is a well-liked platform for newbies to produce straightforward blogs because of its simplicity and affordability. On, users who want more control over the look and features of their blog can self-host a site. WordPress is a versatile content management system that offers the additional capabilities and customization options required to create bigger, more complicated blogs.

Let’s compare the flexibility of Blogger and the self-hosted version of WordPress in more detail now that we’ve given a quick summary of their differences. 

Blogger Flexibility 

With Blogger, you don’t have to worry about website upkeep or pay for anything aside from a custom domain to publish multimedia content, such as blog articles or GIFs, to draw followers and expand your brand. You’ll give up almost all of your site’s control in exchange for this functionality’s simplicity and inexpensive cost.

WordPress Flexibility

WordPress may be used to create and manage a self-hosted blog if you desire more control over the look and functionality of your website.

You can customize your blog’s colors, fonts, and layouts using a content management system. Your content can be created, edited, scheduled, updated, and otherwise managed. Custom post types are possible to make.

Blogger Plugins 

There are a few third-party widgets available on Blogger that you may add by adding code either directly to the body of your posts or pages or to the HTML of your website. For instance, Elfsight provides more than 50 widgets for putting Google reviews, Instagram posts, a WhatsApp button, and other content onto your Blogger website. Blogger cautions authors adding code or widgets from third parties that they do so at their own risk in its manual.

WordPress Plugins 

WordPress offers the most third-party extensions accessible in comparison to other systems. Over 55,000 free plugins are available in the main plugin directory, and thousands more premium alternatives are available on other marketplaces.

This means that you can use a WordPress plugin to perform practically whatever you want.

Blogger Price 

The blogging platform Blogger, which is free, provides all the tools needed to quickly set up and launch a blog. Freebies include hosting, an SSL certificate, and templates. 

WordPress Price 

Despite the fact that using WordPress is free, there are expenses involved in creating and maintaining a website on this self-hosted platform.


Either Blogger or WordPress will enable you to publish articles for an online audience. If you’re just looking for a straightforward, user-friendly blogging platform, Blogger is great for sharing content with friends and family. Use to build a more professional brand if you own a business or want to blog for a living.

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