10 Product Recommendations That Transformer The eCommerce Experience

Product recommendation is one of the most crucial and effective parts of your eCommerce business. Product recommendations have such a power that they can grow your revenue in the fastest way. If you give the right product recommendation to the right person at the right time then they can increase your revenue a lot. For example, almost 35% of Amazon’s (An e-commerce platform) revenue comes from product recommendations. We will let you know 10 product recommendation Ideas that will transform the e-commerce experience.

Here are 10 product recommendation ideas that will transform your eCommerce business

  1. Feature Product recommendations on Homepage

The Homepage of your eCommerce site is probably the most important page of your site. Products which are listed there are called feature products So, It is very essential that here on your homepage you suggest your best and potential products which your customers are willing to purchase.

  1. Personalized Product Recommendations based on Customer browsing History

Personalized product recommendations can be very useful for your e-commerce business. Recommend everyone different products based on their Search, products Interaction and previous Purchases so that you can recommend relevant products which they want to pay for.

You can use any software and application for tracking customers’ browsing history and recommending them personalized Products.

  1. Recommend similar products below the product page

You can recommend similar products to your customers on the product viewing page. This recommendation will appear below on the product page and will contain a similar product as the product which they are looking for.

  1. Recommend products that are bought concurrently

Suggest or recommend those products which are repeatedly brought together by customers. Tell them people are buying these 2 or 3 products together. Give offers and discounts if they bought more than 2 products concurrently.

  1. Recommend most sold items

Recommend products that are selling the most. Appear product recommendations in search items and inform them that they can also consider this most Sold item.

  1. Recommend products according to Customers reviews

Most Customers bought their products based on ratings and reviews. So, this idea can also be very significant. Recommend products based on customers’ reviews. 

  1. Show related recommendations after adding into the cart

 You can show product recommendations as a pop-up when your customers add something to their card. 

  1. Recommend products according to High discounts 

You can recommend products according to high to low discounts. You can introduce your product recommendation as “you can get lots of discounts on this product.”

  1. Show your popular products 

Recommend your popular or best selling products to your potential customers so that they can also make a purchase of that. 

  1. Recommend new arrivals products 

Tell your Customers what’s a new product for them and recommend new arrival products to them.

Every e-commerce business earns 12% of revenues just from product recommendations. So, it is very clear that the right product recommendation is very important for an e-commerce website.

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